Sustainable, Smart and Resilient Cities

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Energy recovery from waste

Waste and efficient waste management are an essential part of sustainable cities. In developing countries, incorporating this area into urban infrastructure can cover the management of excess waste and also add a source of energy.


Landfills are still being built because they are the cheapest way to dispose of solid waste. However, various analyses are required before construction can begin.

Recycling and waste prevention

Recycling at least the basic types of recyclable materials is a well-known way to work with waste and reduce the volume of waste suitable for landfill. It should be noted, however, that it is important to prevent waste in the first place and to choose appropriate products to purchase.

Hazardous waste management

In the absence of a monitoring system for basic commodities such as water and general waste in most developing cities, hazardous waste management is partially unregulated. In many cases, hazardous waste management requires a specific approach and adaptation of disposal technology.

Mitigation and energy communities

One way to mitigate (weaken) the climate impacts of the energy industry is through a system of shared electricity networks, called energy communities. This system is based on local generation and sharing of surplus electricity produced within the local community.

Adaptation/ resilience

Adaptation is primarily concerned with critical locations where climate change is likely to occur in the coming years to such an extent that the population or the infrastructure of the city as a whole would be at risk. Therefore, innovative technologies are used in these locations to minimise the risks.

Carbon footprint/ decarbonisation

The carbon footprint is a fundamental parameter for classifying the current state of cities, businesses and industry. The decarbonisation of as many processes as possible will lead to the carbon neutrality we want to achieve.

Reducing the impact of natural disasters

Until a resilience infrastructure is in place, the city must rely on temporary solutions of a more natural nature, citizen education and an early warning system for natural disasters in a critical area. If a natural disaster strikes an area, there are important technologies that will ensure faster recovery of the damaged area.

Renewable energy sources

Solar and wind power are the most commonly used methods of generating energy from renewable sources. Most developing countries are geographically suitable for the use of at least one of these technologies.

Energy savings

Luminaires connected to photovoltaic cells placed directly on the luminaire can greatly simplify access to public lighting, even in remote areas, and thus increase safety in the area. Excess stored energy can be sent to nearby households.

Smart grids

The modern electricity distribution network leads to the involvement of consumers as partial energy producers in the network. The energy produced in this way comes from local renewable energy sources. This concept can be linked to the concept of energy communities.

Hydrogeology, Exploration and remediation of contaminated sites

Detailed research of water resources is an essential part of the preparatory stages of building blue and green infrastructure. Each city, its inhabitants, and the industries present depend on the presence of uncontaminated water sources to determine how large a city can be or how much industry it can subsidize with water. The amount of usable clean water determines the overall prosperity of a city.

Drinking water supply

Everyone needs water for their daily life, whether for drinking, basic hygiene or household chores. But the problem arises when there is only a limited amount of water available and you have to wait at least 30 minutes to get it.

Wastewater treatment plant

Despite its complexity, the treatment plant is essentially a long-term and cheap technological solution to get rid of human bio-waste. The substrate is pre-treated in the primary treatment vulture, but a significant part of the treatment technology is provided by the biological phase, and therefore by bacteria.

Hot water supply

Waste heat from industrial plants is one of the underused sources of energy for local communities. This sustainable energy source is socially beneficial. For cities in developing countries, it is an advantage in terms of local infrastructure and the use of local resources.

Rainwater capture

Urban water and overall urban blue infrastructure is an essential part of functioning systems, industry and prosperity. Rainwater harvesting can contribute to urban cooling and simplify access to easily treated and otherwise usable water.

Industrial wastewater treatment plant

Industrial wastewater often contains more complex pollutants and therefore companies are obliged to pre-treat the wastewater present as a minimum.


If the sewerage network is built centrally, sewerage is one of the cheapest solutions, despite the high initial costs. It provides a long-term and hygienic way of transporting biological waste to the site for further treatment.

Urban farming

The most efficient way of modern agriculture is the concept of urban agriculture, where all resources are used as much as possible, local food production is accommodated and thanks to open gardens we can talk about contributing to urban greenery.

Green procurement

All steps towards a sustainable city must start with the right authorities. Green procurement is a good way to achieve this and improve the situation of companies involved in improving cities.

Digital solutions

Innovative technologies are also associated with the concepts of digitisation and automation.

Sustainable mobility

Replacing existing means of public transport with environmentally friendly alternatives is an important step towards a sustainable city.

Noise reduction

Due to the concentration of infrastructure, the city is noisy day and night. Encouraging the replacement of vehicles moving around the city will also help to reduce road noise in the city. Other types of noise reduction are also used, such as green infrastructure.

Pollution reduction

As urbanisation increases and the number of people, cars and businesses grows, air pollution is also increasing. In critical cases, air pollution leads to deaths of residents.

Public transport

With sufficient public transport infrastructure, the city can ensure reduced emissions and increased traffic flow, which has a major impact on the functioning and status of the city.

Train/ Tram

One of the most widespread modes of green urban transport is rail vehicles, trains and trams.


Parking will usually show whether a city is ready for new people to arrive. The current strong urbanisation is causing problems of this type everywhere in the world.

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